Cross Platform Mobile Application for HyipLab

HyipLab is a complete investment platform Flutter(Android & IOS) mobile application. It’s developed for those people who already have our HyipLab Laravel Application.

This application is required for our web application. If you didn’t purchase the web app, please purchase it by clicking here.

If needed, we will update this App continuously and come with new features and security patches. We will try to give the best user experience to all of our clients.

Thank you for purchasing HyipLab. If you have any questions or queries that are not answered in this document, please feel free to contact us via email. We will try to respond to you as soon as possible. Thank you so much.

Follow the below requirements.
  • Download and install Any one from these IDE(Android studio, Vs Code)
  • Flutter and Dart must be successfully installed and setup on your device in order to edit this project.
  • Install the Flutter and Dart plugins after setting up your editor
Follow the below instruction to install the system.
  • Unzip the downloaded project and open the project to the preferred IDE (Android Studio / Visual Code)
  • Create and configure a firebase project then you will get a   google-services.json   file. Paste the   google-services.json   file in   hyiplab/android/app   directory/folder.
  • On IDE click the pubspecs.yaml file then clicks on the Pub Get button top of the IDE to install the libraries.
  • Make sure dart sdk is up to date
  • To run the project, attach a real android device.
  • Then press the run button to start project (you can still open multi emulator at the same time)
Folder Structure
Folders and files structure are showing below
  • assets
    • animation
      • fonts
        • icons
          • images
          • lib
            • constants
              • mehtod.dart
              • mystring.dart
            • core
              • di_service
                • helper
                  • route
                    • theme
                      • utils
                      • data
                        • controller
                          • model
                            • repo
                              • services
                              • view
                                • components
                                  • screens
                                  • main.dart
                                  • push_notification_service.dart
                                • pubspec.yaml
                                Our app screens list are showing below
                                • Splash Screen
                                • Login and Registration Screen
                                • Forget Password and Reset Password Screen
                                • Email, Sms and 2FA Verification Screen
                                • Smart Homepage
                                • Deposit Screen
                                • Withdraw Screen
                                • Referral Screen
                                • Menu Screen
                                • Profile Screen
                                • Change Password Screen
                                • Transaction Screen
                                • FAQ Screen
                                • My Investment Screen
                                • Invest Plan Screen
                                • Balance Transfer Screen
                                • And more...
                                Application Setup
                                1. Change App Name

                                • For Android
                                  • Open AndroidMainfest.xml to IDE from android/app/src/main
                                  • Change the label name inside the application tag from this file
                                • For IOS
                                  • Open Info.plist file to IDE from ios/Runner
                                  • Change the app name inside the dict. Please follow the below instruction.

                                2. Logo
                                • For Android
                                  • Go to /android/app/src/main/res and replace all mipmap folder with your generated icon android folder.
                                • For IOS
                                  • Go to /ios/Runner and replace Assets.xcassets with your generated Assets.xcassets folder.

                                Note: For different type of device we need to add different size of icon. So that you should to need to resize them. You can use https://appicon.co/ platform to generate multiple size icons for android and ios. It will provide you the icon with a correct folder structure.

                                3. API Base URL
                                • Open lib/core/utils/url_container.dart file and change base url string
                                4. Change App Color
                                • Open lib/core/utils/my_colorl.dart folder and Replace the value in the primary Color field with the prepared color code. From here, you can easily change the color of something else.
                                5.Change Onboard Content
                                  • To change onboard image go to assets/images/onboard folder then paste your onboard image here with the following names: first.jpg, second.jpg, third.jpg
                                • Change your Onboard Screen Text
                                  • To customize the onboard screen title and subtitle, navigate to the lib/utils/my_strings.dart file. Insert your desired title and subtitle following the format depicted in the screenshot below:
                                6. Change Package Name
                                • Right click on project folder and click on Replace in Files
                                • Type dev.vlab.com.hyiplab in the first indicated box and your own package name in the second marked box. Then click Replace All button
                                Publish App
                                Follow below instruction to publish the app
                                1. Android

                                Follow the guidelines in the following link to publish the app to Play Store.

                                PlayStore: https://flutter.dev/docs/deployment/android

                                2. IOS

                                Follow the guidelines in the following link to publish the app to AppStore.

                                AppStore: https://flutter.dev/docs/deployment/ios

                                Support information details

                                Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this App. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this App. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at Support Center.

                                Email Us: https://viserlab.com/support